
Welcome to Torn Magazine!

Torn is a free downloadable arts and culture magazine based in Manchester. Our aim is to make this magazine about you. We want to create a space where you can share your art, your reviews, and your comments. So if you’re a poet, writer, painter or vaguely arty in any way, get involved!

If you want to feature in the next edition or you just want to say hi and tell us what you think, email us at the.torn.magazine@gmail.com

We at Torn Magazine are a group of
graduates, born and bred in Manchester, who have contributed our writing, art, sweat, tears, ideas and time to make this publication possible. We’re all friends, who met at the tender age of 16 in college, who share a love of all things creative. Below is a bit more about us.

Editor: Shahina Kabir

After completing a degree in Politics at ‘The University of Warwick’, I went on to do a Masters at ‘The University of
Manchester’, studying Human Rights Law/Politics. I love art that challenges us to think differently or allows us to see things from a different perspective. In that way, art and politics are interlinked. My goal is to gain employment and to use my skills and experience for good not evil! I dabble in poetry and film

Writer: Kate Dutton

I have got two English Literature based degrees under my belt, having recently completed my Masters at the University of Salford. My heart is always in art and my head is always in a book. I would like to officially class myself as a writer but as long as I’m having fun scribbling away I don’t mind!

Illustrator: Sumi Senthi

After recently completing my degree in
Illustration with Animation, I currently  freelance in arts and crafts and spend my time making bespoke accessories and flogging my stuff at craft fairs.
Examples of which can be found at http://www.sumisenthi.com.